С благодарност

13 December 2024

Къщичките са прекрасни! Пленителният им дизайн и леснината, с която се сглабят и разглобяват ги правят уникални! Ароматът, който имат, носи усещане на гора. Което дава простор и развива въображението за дълги игри и приключения!

Дъщеря ми е на единадесет години и обича да играе с тях. Често сътворява дома на своите кукли от вълна и мебелите им от естествени материали.

Благодаря за споделените и вълшебни мигове! Без тях нямаше да е възможно!

Avatar for Адриана Сиракова
Адриана Сиракова

Изключителна игра!

3 December 2024

Моите момичета на 8 години и на 5 години, получиха куклена къща на The Storyhouse за подарък и от тогава тя винаги е част от игрите им! Крие безброй възможности за игра, чудесен помощник за развитието на въображението им! Игра без лимит и същевременно е изключително компактна и чудесно измислена! Къщата е океан-море за всяка детска игра!

Avatar for Гергана Михайлова
Гергана Михайлова

A delightful playhouse & our most cherished toy.

2 December 2024

My daughter is 11 years old. Among the few toys she has cherished consistently all throughout her childhood to date, are playhouses.

Having brought or been gifted a total of 5 playhouses over the years, I can say The Storyhouse is the most treasured.

My daughter says she loves The Storyhouse the most because it’s got changeable bits you can make it different. You can have your own furniture or make it yourself.

As a mum, I love The Storyhouse because it encourages a wider option for playing, what you play with, and where! We can play with just the roof, just the main floor, or have a full house consisting of a floor level and a roof.

It is so light and sturdy, my daughter plays with her Storyhouse in the bedroom, the kitchen and in the garden.

The windows let the most amount of light and air flow in, out of any of the playhouses we have owned. This is brilliant for comfortable and cosy playing.

I love the smooth wood, it looks beautiful no matter where it sits. With the largest windows and the lovely quality of the wood, it is so quick and easy to clean.

It packs away compactly, so we can easily take it between our town apartment and village house. It is so easy to set it up again with its super sturdy magnets and smooth sliding wood pieces.

We have the Triangle Storyhouse with a Small Storyhouse as our combo, we look forward to adding to our Storyhouse collection in the future!

Avatar for June Mila
June Mila

Your feedback means the world to us! By sharing your experience, you are helping us grow as a small business and connect with others who might love what we create. Your words not only inspire confidence in our craft but also help us refine our products, packaging, and service. Together, we are building a community of trust and care around our dollhouses. Thank you for being part of our story!

Your feedback means the world to us! By sharing your experience, you are helping us grow as a small business and connect with others who might love what we create. Your words not only inspire confidence in our craft but also help us refine our products, packaging, and service. Together, we are building a community of trust and care around our dollhouses. Thank you for being part of our story!